Electron Env
Electron platform for various-devices
platform electron
import { getPlatformElectron } from 'various-devices'
const electronInformation = getPlatformElectron()
getPlatformElectron is a function. It will return an object. The following are the properties of the specific object.
export interface electronEnv {
platform: string;
version: string;
node: string;
v8: string;
chrome: string;
zlib: string;
openssl: string;
modules: string;
nghttp2: string;
napi: string;
llhttp: string;
- platform: string | platform name (当前平台名称)
- version string | platform version (当前平台版本)
- node: string | the version of node (Node.js 的版本)
- v8: string | v8 engine version (V8 JavaScript 引擎的版本)
- chrome: string | Chrome version information (Chrome 版本信息)
- zlib: string | zlib version information (zlib 的版本)
- openssl: string | openssl version information (openssl 版本)
- modules: string | The version of the Node.js module (当前 Node.js 模块系统的内部版本号)
- nghttp2: string | nghttp2 version (nghttp2 版本)
- napi: string | Node-API version information (Node-API 的版本号)
- llhttp: string | the information of node llhttp (node 中 llhttp 信息)
xiaoMan 💻 📖 🎨 | yanzibiezou 💻 | 徐轲 💻 | yinxing233 💻 | |||